26:8 Putting a fool in a place of honor is like setting a mud brick on a marble column.
26:12 See that man who thinks he's so smart? You can expect far more from a fool than from him
Many of the reasons that I am so adamantly against Obama is that he is committing what I would call Obamacide. That term has many meanings to me. 1 - he is destroying capitalism/democracy and replacing it with socialism; 2 - he is destroying our nation and instead of making our economy better he is going to spiral us into unfathomable debt that will be paid for by the middle class Americans; 3 - he is passing along this debt to our children and the generations to come; and 4 - well let me share with you something included in his economic stimulus bill that will totally shock you. As President Obama took office he signed executive orders releasing funds to pay for abortions, permission to fund human stem cell research, and federal funding for contraception. Obama and his political party are committed to the shedding of innocent blood. They do not represent me or the majority of Americans who believe that abortion is wrong and should no longer be legal. We are being taxed without representation which is the cornerstone of democracy.
Eventually I believe the term Obamacide will take on another meaning and there have already been stories in the news lately about this. People will and have committed suicide because of the economic condition. People have killed their entire families because of this situation. Sure that is crazy, sure it has happened before and much of this economic condition was here before Obama, but I believe it will get worse and there will be more of this in the future. It is a bleak outlook and I really don't like to think about it but we have to. The signs of the time are here. Keep looking to the heavens and be ready!
Obama and Pastor Rick Warren
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Proverbs 25 - Our Deliverer
25:3 Like the horizons for breadth and the ocean for depth, the understanding of a good leader is broad and deep.
I don't know who you voted for but this much I can say about our current leadership in Congress, the Senate, and the White house; they don't have a clue and this verse is far from their understanding. They are throwing our money to the crooks who stole it from us in the first place. And we will pay for this for years to come. It is frightening times for people. Especially those who don't know the Lord and place their faith in our current leadership and in corporate America. God is the only one to place your trust and faith in. He will never let you down, nor leave you alone. No one who believes in Him will go without their daily needs, without their daily bread. God will open doors for us when all else seems hopeless. Sure we may struggle but we will survive and our hope is in Him and He will deliver us!
Mandisa "My Deliver"
I don't know who you voted for but this much I can say about our current leadership in Congress, the Senate, and the White house; they don't have a clue and this verse is far from their understanding. They are throwing our money to the crooks who stole it from us in the first place. And we will pay for this for years to come. It is frightening times for people. Especially those who don't know the Lord and place their faith in our current leadership and in corporate America. God is the only one to place your trust and faith in. He will never let you down, nor leave you alone. No one who believes in Him will go without their daily needs, without their daily bread. God will open doors for us when all else seems hopeless. Sure we may struggle but we will survive and our hope is in Him and He will deliver us!
Mandisa "My Deliver"
Proverbs 24 - The well built home
24:3 It takes wisdom to build a house, and understanding to set it on a firm foundation; 4: It takes knowledge to furnish its rooms with fine furniture and beautiful draperies.
How is your house? Is it in fine order? In order to build your house properly it must be built with the right materials and the proper construction methods. Especially when you are talking about building your house of the Lord or your temple which is the home of the Holy Spirit. No, I am not talking about a physical house, but your physical and spiritual body. Are you building your with the right materials. Feasting on the word of the Lord, allowing Him to live and love through you, giving glory to Him in everything you do, praying and spending time with Him in every moment of your day, and spreading the word and the reason for your joy in life. These are the things that build a strong home for the Holy Spirit. They are expensive, costly, and take a lot of your time. They don't come easy but they are so well worth it. I am constantly working on building my house stronger and stronger. I want to hear my Lord say, "well done good and faithful servant"
Audio Adrenaline "Father's House"
How is your house? Is it in fine order? In order to build your house properly it must be built with the right materials and the proper construction methods. Especially when you are talking about building your house of the Lord or your temple which is the home of the Holy Spirit. No, I am not talking about a physical house, but your physical and spiritual body. Are you building your with the right materials. Feasting on the word of the Lord, allowing Him to live and love through you, giving glory to Him in everything you do, praying and spending time with Him in every moment of your day, and spreading the word and the reason for your joy in life. These are the things that build a strong home for the Holy Spirit. They are expensive, costly, and take a lot of your time. They don't come easy but they are so well worth it. I am constantly working on building my house stronger and stronger. I want to hear my Lord say, "well done good and faithful servant"
Audio Adrenaline "Father's House"
Monday, February 23, 2009
Proverbs 23 - Easy Come, Easy Go
23:5 Cast but a glance at riches, and they are gone,for they will surely sprout wings and fly off to the sky like an eagle.
How quickly riches can be taken away. How many of us could survive without a job very long. We would quickly have to start liquidating assets just to make ends meet and put food on the table. Have you ever been in a position where you felt wealthy or that you had considerable wealth? What about having and then losing it all? I have done this. Trust me it takes a life time to earn it and a couple of years to lose it (if that long). I would love more than anything to have an abundance of wealth that would allow me to live without being subservient or employed by anyone (human that it). This is my true goal in life. Especially in the wake of the recent financial situation today. I don't want to be working for corporate America because working for corporate America is like working for the devil. You are owned by them. They dictate what you do, where you go, how you do it, and with whom. Then when you have fulfilled your commitment to them they rip you off and don't give/reward you what you deserve. Don't get me wrong, I am very grateful for the things God has given me. I just want my focus to be more on what is really important, like family, friends, love, and God's children. I want to be free to live my life for God in everything I do. Not spend 80% of it working for the man, 10% working for God, and 10% for me. I want to turn my whole life upside down.
How quickly riches can be taken away. How many of us could survive without a job very long. We would quickly have to start liquidating assets just to make ends meet and put food on the table. Have you ever been in a position where you felt wealthy or that you had considerable wealth? What about having and then losing it all? I have done this. Trust me it takes a life time to earn it and a couple of years to lose it (if that long). I would love more than anything to have an abundance of wealth that would allow me to live without being subservient or employed by anyone (human that it). This is my true goal in life. Especially in the wake of the recent financial situation today. I don't want to be working for corporate America because working for corporate America is like working for the devil. You are owned by them. They dictate what you do, where you go, how you do it, and with whom. Then when you have fulfilled your commitment to them they rip you off and don't give/reward you what you deserve. Don't get me wrong, I am very grateful for the things God has given me. I just want my focus to be more on what is really important, like family, friends, love, and God's children. I want to be free to live my life for God in everything I do. Not spend 80% of it working for the man, 10% working for God, and 10% for me. I want to turn my whole life upside down.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Proverbs 17 - Gentle Rebuke
17:10 A rebuke impresses a man of discernment more than a hundred lashes a fool.
How many times in my life do I wish that others would have given me rebuke when I needed it. Instead I have felt the lashes of a fool. I can only blame myself for some of this. I have lived my life on an island for quite some time. I pray that in the future my friends will speak up without fear of losing my friendship or hurting me. Their silence has done much more harm. It is very difficult to know when we should speak up and say things to our friends. Things they need to hear. To tell them when they need to change their behavior, their attitude, or their actions. We have to lean on the Holy Spirit to guide us with the right words, the right heart, and the right attitude. An attitude of love. Christ spoke truth into his disciples and followers lives no matter whether they liked it or not. He put them on the spot. Not out of spite but out of love for them. We need to do the same.
So this video has nothing to do with what I have just blogged but it is awesome
17:16 Of what use is money in the hand of a fool, since he has no desire to get wisdom
Okay, I will let this one speak for itself. The current economic conditions are a reflection of this verse. Obama is giving money to fools, and we will end up paying for it. Our life style will never be the same from this year forth. It is being burdened upon the generations to come. It is predicted that the latest stimulus package will cost each taxpayer at least $10,000 in the next few years and that is just to repay the interest. I write these things today as a free man, but our freedom is being sold. We will once again have to take up arms to win our independence from a government that was supposed to protect us. This is a cold dark time in history. Please write your congressman, write your president, get vocal, because it is about to get nasty. Lastly, Texas needs to secede from the US. It may be our only hope for short term and long term financial survival.
How many times in my life do I wish that others would have given me rebuke when I needed it. Instead I have felt the lashes of a fool. I can only blame myself for some of this. I have lived my life on an island for quite some time. I pray that in the future my friends will speak up without fear of losing my friendship or hurting me. Their silence has done much more harm. It is very difficult to know when we should speak up and say things to our friends. Things they need to hear. To tell them when they need to change their behavior, their attitude, or their actions. We have to lean on the Holy Spirit to guide us with the right words, the right heart, and the right attitude. An attitude of love. Christ spoke truth into his disciples and followers lives no matter whether they liked it or not. He put them on the spot. Not out of spite but out of love for them. We need to do the same.
So this video has nothing to do with what I have just blogged but it is awesome
17:16 Of what use is money in the hand of a fool, since he has no desire to get wisdom
Okay, I will let this one speak for itself. The current economic conditions are a reflection of this verse. Obama is giving money to fools, and we will end up paying for it. Our life style will never be the same from this year forth. It is being burdened upon the generations to come. It is predicted that the latest stimulus package will cost each taxpayer at least $10,000 in the next few years and that is just to repay the interest. I write these things today as a free man, but our freedom is being sold. We will once again have to take up arms to win our independence from a government that was supposed to protect us. This is a cold dark time in history. Please write your congressman, write your president, get vocal, because it is about to get nasty. Lastly, Texas needs to secede from the US. It may be our only hope for short term and long term financial survival.
Proverbs 16 - One Thing
16:9 In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.
How many of us plan out our lives? We make plans, we chart our course and our destiny. We want to be in control of everything. It is good to make plans, it is good to have dreams. But only God chooses our destiny and our destination. No matter how well we lay things out if we have dedicated our lives to Him, He is going to direct us down the path He has chosen for us. If we fight it we are kicking against the goads as Paul said. How much easier would it be to be in His will. It sometimes seems so hard for us to know what God wants us to do, where He wants us to be, to serve, to spend our time. Especially as we get older and have so many responsbilities. How I long to be able just to serve God with everything I am. That being said, God brings us down these roads for a reason. One of my favorite lines in a move comes from City Slickers. It is the "one thing" line. In life only one thing is important, and that one thing is what we need to focus on. For us, God is that one thing. We need to focus on Him and let the riff-raff all around become so much less important.
Pillar "Father"
How many of us plan out our lives? We make plans, we chart our course and our destiny. We want to be in control of everything. It is good to make plans, it is good to have dreams. But only God chooses our destiny and our destination. No matter how well we lay things out if we have dedicated our lives to Him, He is going to direct us down the path He has chosen for us. If we fight it we are kicking against the goads as Paul said. How much easier would it be to be in His will. It sometimes seems so hard for us to know what God wants us to do, where He wants us to be, to serve, to spend our time. Especially as we get older and have so many responsbilities. How I long to be able just to serve God with everything I am. That being said, God brings us down these roads for a reason. One of my favorite lines in a move comes from City Slickers. It is the "one thing" line. In life only one thing is important, and that one thing is what we need to focus on. For us, God is that one thing. We need to focus on Him and let the riff-raff all around become so much less important.
Pillar "Father"
Proverbs 15 - The Narrow Path
15:10 Stern discipline awaits him who leaves the path
How many times have you left the path of God's will? I know I have. Every time God brings situations into my life that cause me to turn back to Him. Sometimes He can only work with us when we have no other choice but to depend on Him. When everything is going right and life seems to be good, for some reason we often turn away from God. We become arrogant in our own abilities and believe that we alone are responsible for our good fortune. It is in those times that we should be most thankful. If we don't give credit where credit is due we are setting ourselves up for the fall. God will bring trouble, hardship, calamity, and desperation into our lives to bring us back onto the right path. I have been there. I don't want to ever go there again. I want to always be mindful of the blessing God has given me and will continue to give me. I have always felt that I would rather have hardship and discipline than for everything to be going smoothly. Sure it is nice to have smooth sailing sometimes, but I know that God loves me when He disciplines me
How many times have you left the path of God's will? I know I have. Every time God brings situations into my life that cause me to turn back to Him. Sometimes He can only work with us when we have no other choice but to depend on Him. When everything is going right and life seems to be good, for some reason we often turn away from God. We become arrogant in our own abilities and believe that we alone are responsible for our good fortune. It is in those times that we should be most thankful. If we don't give credit where credit is due we are setting ourselves up for the fall. God will bring trouble, hardship, calamity, and desperation into our lives to bring us back onto the right path. I have been there. I don't want to ever go there again. I want to always be mindful of the blessing God has given me and will continue to give me. I have always felt that I would rather have hardship and discipline than for everything to be going smoothly. Sure it is nice to have smooth sailing sometimes, but I know that God loves me when He disciplines me
Monday, February 16, 2009
Proverbs 14 - the Lord's Protection

14:26 He who fears the LORD has a secure fortress, and for his children it will be a refuge.
The best gift I can give to my children is protection and I cannot always give them that. No matter how much I try to keep them from harm, keep them out of trouble, keep them from disease, or from getting their feeling hurt, I cannot always be there for them. But God can. This verse gives me an intense feeling of hope. God is always there, God is always around to protect my children. Even when I can't be, He can. Even when I am gone, He will still be. I know that if I trust in God, He will take care of and protect my children. Does that mean nothing will ever happen to them. No. But it means that God will work in their best interest on account of my faith in Him. He will draw them into His home, into his walls, into his protection, and unto Him.
Kutless " Strong Tower"
The best gift I can give to my children is protection and I cannot always give them that. No matter how much I try to keep them from harm, keep them out of trouble, keep them from disease, or from getting their feeling hurt, I cannot always be there for them. But God can. This verse gives me an intense feeling of hope. God is always there, God is always around to protect my children. Even when I can't be, He can. Even when I am gone, He will still be. I know that if I trust in God, He will take care of and protect my children. Does that mean nothing will ever happen to them. No. But it means that God will work in their best interest on account of my faith in Him. He will draw them into His home, into his walls, into his protection, and unto Him.
Kutless " Strong Tower"
Friday, February 13, 2009
13:7 A pretentious, showy life is an empty life; a plain and simple life is a full life.
Pretension comes in many forms. Most of us would take this verse and see it as those who buy, buy, buy. They have lots of toys, bling-bling, and all that stuff that is so much the world today. But pretension come be other things. Christians can be very pretentious. We like to make people think we are walking down the narrow path, that we a growing spiritually by spending time in the word, doing bible studies, blogging (oops), and so forth. Don't get me wrong, doing all those things is great, but doing them for the right reason is better. If we are doing them to earn points, to gain status, or earn our way into God's good graces, then they are pretentious. If we are doing them to get closer to Jesus, to show our love for Him by knowing Him, then they are more awesome than words can explain. I try to do things with the right intention, I fail often. Somehow, we all seem to get caught up in thinking by doing good things we ought to have good things in return. It does not work that way. God's is more concerned with our hearts and our character than he is with our comfort and our success. We can't earn anything with God, it is freely given. Knowledge is worthless without sincerity and love.
Toby Mac "Lose My Soul"
Pretension comes in many forms. Most of us would take this verse and see it as those who buy, buy, buy. They have lots of toys, bling-bling, and all that stuff that is so much the world today. But pretension come be other things. Christians can be very pretentious. We like to make people think we are walking down the narrow path, that we a growing spiritually by spending time in the word, doing bible studies, blogging (oops), and so forth. Don't get me wrong, doing all those things is great, but doing them for the right reason is better. If we are doing them to earn points, to gain status, or earn our way into God's good graces, then they are pretentious. If we are doing them to get closer to Jesus, to show our love for Him by knowing Him, then they are more awesome than words can explain. I try to do things with the right intention, I fail often. Somehow, we all seem to get caught up in thinking by doing good things we ought to have good things in return. It does not work that way. God's is more concerned with our hearts and our character than he is with our comfort and our success. We can't earn anything with God, it is freely given. Knowledge is worthless without sincerity and love.
Toby Mac "Lose My Soul"
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Proverbs 9 - Has my back
9:10 "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding
This scripture backs up exactly what I said in my theological dissertation on the previous blog. Respecting and knowing the Lord is knowing wisdom. Knowledge of the Holy One is wisdom
Short blog but "all I have to say about that" (Forrest Gump)
This scripture backs up exactly what I said in my theological dissertation on the previous blog. Respecting and knowing the Lord is knowing wisdom. Knowledge of the Holy One is wisdom
Short blog but "all I have to say about that" (Forrest Gump)
Proverbs 8 - I finally understand

I promised I would finally understand the confusion about this scripture as to whether Wisdom and Christ were one during this creation. What I have found and the scripture backs it up, though it is contrary to what most theologians state. That, of course, Christ was the creator of all things, He was always there and therefore was not created but the creator (Colossians backs this up). Therefore my "expert" theological stand on this is that: the very first thing Christ created was Wisdom. Wisdom was beside Christ as He created and was witness to this creation. They are not one in creation, but one in existence. And yes Christ embellishes wisdom and the most important thing is that when we seek Christ we seek wisdom, when we seek wisdom, we seek Christ
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Proverbs 7 - The Seductress

Proverbs 6 - GPS

Have you ever been out on the water in the dark of night, lost? There is nothing more frightening to be out in the middle of the ocean or a large lake with no navigational devices except your own wits, which frankly aren't much good on a cloudy dark night with no land or landmarks. You are basically in huge trouble. I have been there on a couple of occasions and those were probably the most frightening times in my life.
Life without God is a lot like this. No guiding markers, no destination, no boundaries or landscape by which to navigate. I cannot imagine how anyone can make it through this world without the Lord's guidance. There are times in my life when I have felt this way. Definitely before I became a Christian I wandered aimlessly. I was lost at sea. Even after becoming a Christian I have had many times where I could not find my way. Those were times when I was not spending time in the Word or listening to God's guidance. God's word is like a beacon in the dark, a lighthouse on the shore or rocks, beckoning us onto the proper path, or into the channel. Protecting us from the rocky shores or dangers of life. Sometimes the storms of life cloud our vision of God and we question where we are going or why. At those times we need to immerse ourselves in his word. He is our compass and our GPS. Without Him we are lost
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Proverbs 5 - Unknown Captivation

Why is it that people seem to be captivated by other people's spouses? What is it that makes the grass seem greener on the other side? The marriage covenant is the most sacred of covenants God has given us between human beings, yet it is marred and trampled on these days. The divorce rate is ridiculous and people trade spouses like they change underwear. Before I was a Christian I played around. I had my share of girl friends and loose women. I was no saint, but still something inside me told me not to mess around with another man's wife or girl friend for that matter. I have always had respect, if not for them then for myself. When you go after another person's spouse, you are going after another person's property. It is no different than stealing. In fact, it is probably worse. You are stealing the love right out of another person's heart. For all who have ever done this, you will be the recipient of the hurt and pain that you have caused another. What goes around comes around. Call it karma, call it biblical, call it cosmic justice. Whatever you call it, it does not matter. Do you think for one moment if that person could forsake their marriage covenant with their spouse, that they will not do the same to you!
Proverbs 4 - The Blessing of a Father

For the life of me I cannot remember 1 time when my father sat me down and told me anything of value. I know that he had to. I learned how to do a lot of things that only he could have taught me. Building things, yard work, fishing, golfing, bowling, sports, etc. I know that he taught me how to do all those things. But I never remember him ever sitting me down to talk to me about life and the important things. I don't think he knew how. I really feel very sorry for him. He did not know how to show his love when loving became difficult. It is easy to love someone when they are loving you, adoring you, idolizing you. It is very difficult when they are misbehaving, doing their own thing, being disrespectful, and dishonoring you. I think that God has taken me through the things in my life so I don't do this with my kids. Children are such a blessing from God. Even when they are difficult, they love you unconditionally. That is why God gives us children. So we can understand His love for us. Every time I hear my son or daughter tell me they love me. I hear God speaking. It is awesome. My son recorded him saying "I love you Daddy" on a little electronic recorded. I listen to that every time I feel alone, every time I need to hear God's voice, and feel God's love. I think I will go listen to it now!
Proverbs 3 - Hard times

This is a real test with the current economic situation today. It would be real easy to forget about the Lord, tithing, and giving. But anyone who has ever experienced the Lord's blessing of the tithe will not forget. God has promised us here by His word that He will fill our lives to overflowing. He promises again in Malachi to test Him on this. I can say that I have tested him on this before. I have gone years without tithing when I made lots of money, yet ended up with nothing. In fact those years were the hardest I have ever experienced. I have had other years where I didn't do so good financially, but I tithed and gave more than I could really afford. In those years I never wanted for anything. All my bills were taken care of, I didn't have to worry about anything, and it seems that everything was much less stressful. The truth of it is, everything belongs to God and He lets us use it. We need to look at things in this way. When we do it makes us much more appreciative of what we have. This country has been due for this downturn and market correction. Most people have been living high off the hog for years. I think what bothers me the most is that corporate America and our government has robbed the poor and the elderly to finance their way of life. Yet I see no one being brought to trial or prosecuted for it.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Proverbs 2 - Shield of Integrity

How do yo feel when you are living right? I know I feel great. No matter what happens I know that God is in my corner, on my side, and protecting me. Things can happen yet they don't seem to bother me. I have always felt that integrity is the best virtue that anyone can have but it is also one of the toughest to live up to. There are many definitions of integrity but the 2 I typically use to measure my own integrity are a) to stand by your conviction when everyone else has forsaken theirs. b) who you are when no one is around. Both of these are probably the most difficult aspects of integrity. A) for instance. When everyone else has lied to you, cheated you, forsaken you, do you still stand by your word to them? Do you still follow through with your commitments and covenants? B) - who are you when no one else is around? Do you walk with integrity then or do you let your guard down and do or say things that undermine your integrity? Take a look at both of these the next time you try to measure your own integrity to see how you measure up
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