Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Proverbs 6 - Lord's list of hates

6:16-19 - I have always liked these verses. Originally it took me a while to understand why there were 6 things the Lord hates, 7 that are detestable but the answer is very simple. Abomination is closer to the actual word used in the Hebrew. Abomination is extreme disgust and hatred. If you read the verse several times you will see that lying is mentioned twice. It would seem that lying is something the Lord finds an abomination.

6:34:35 - Amen to this brother. There were times that I wished stoning was still an acceptable punishment for adultery. There is nothing an adulterer can do to make amends to the victim. Vengeance is the only recompence. Today vengeance is not possible. Laws have changed, both spiritually and socially. So the anger turns inward. There is hope in the Lord!

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