Monday, November 24, 2008

Proverbs 24:10 - Praise in the Storm

24:10 If you faint in the day of adversity, Your strength is small

Casting Crowns "Praise You In The Storm"

The past week (actually year) as been a real period of adversity for me, at least in the way of things going wrong. I have had vehicle repairs, septic system repairs, repairs to my kids 4-wheelers, lightening strike, Hurricane Ike, etc. You name it, it has broken or gone wrong. I have given thanks to God for all of these challenges and I have been amazed at the way I handled all these situations. I have been able to find ways to squeeze blood out of a turnip so to speak. This weekend, for instance, my truck started idling rough and I wasn't sure what the problem was. I figured it might be time for a tune up (it is due for its 100k service) but you don't really tune diesel engines. I decided to pop the hood and take a look. When I did I was shocked. There was oil/diesel all over the top of the engine and I knew something was terribly wrong. I feared the worst but to make a long story short my injectors we stuck and dumping diesel into the crankcase which in turn blew out the top where you add oil. My mechanic said that it could cost anywhere from $1000-$7000. I thank God for this mechanic as he is one of the most honest people I know. He told me to call the dealership to make sure that there wasn't a "campaign" for that problem. Turns out there was and it is only going to cost me for the oil change! During the entire time, I never got upset or angry, and only praised God during each moment of the trial and knew that whatever the outcome He would find a way. It was a good day after all. This may sound very simple to you but it is the simple things God works on that build the overall character. We need to be able to stand on faith that God is always present and working for us in little and big things. We need to be able to praise Him in good times and bad. Through this He can teach us so much and depend on us for bigger things

1 comment:

Andy Valadez said...

Cool on the truck repair! I have a $1000 drive shaft to repair. But, as I look back, the Lord has provided $3000 in repairs on the old bimmer in the last couple of months. Things I was worrying about taken care of, one by one. If anything, the troubles forced me to be creative in how I approached the problem.