Thursday, November 27, 2008

Proverbs 27 - The Window to the Soul

27:20 Hell and Destruction are never full; So the eyes of man are never satisfied.

Casting Crowns "Slow Fade"

We must never forget that the evil one is out there lurking for us. He knows our weaknesses and he plays upon them. We need to constantly be on our guard and not give the devil a foothold. What we look at, what we listen to in our music, television programs, Internet, books, magazines, and other media communications. For a man it can be a very subliminal and sneaky attack. One day you take a double look at a pretty girl, the next you are watching some steamy movie on Dish, the next your surfing the Internet looking at stuff you shouldn't, then the next you are behaving immorally. I really love the above video and song above by Casting Crowns because it is right on the mark. Black and white slowly become grey and before you know it you are so far away from the man God intended you to be, and you are lost. We are not fighting a battle that is new to us just because of multi-media. Judah, Paul, Augustine, Origen, and many other great church fathers and Christians have fought the same battle. It is more pervasive today because of our lax morality and there are many more methods to explore the pleasures of the flesh. Don't give into the lusts of the flesh, no matter what they be. The reward and pleasure of walking with God are much more!

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