Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Proverbs 22 - Discipline

15 A youngster’s heart is filled with foolishness, but physical discipline will drive it far away.

Ever wonder why military school works? Why parents, judges, and court systems send kids to camp or military school to straighten them out? Here is the reason. Physical discipline keeps youngsters from creating mischief or getting into trouble. The saying, "idle hands are the devils workshop", is absolutely true. If I keep myself busy, I keep myself from getting involved in wrong things. It was this way when I grew up. Because my parents did not keep me involved enough in extra-curricular activities, I stayed in trouble. It is difficult on the parents. You get frustrated, tired, and just don't want to run from place to place acting as a chauffeur, but the altenerative is a troubled youth. I plan to keep my kids so busy they won't be able to think about trouble.

On the other hand, you cannot be so busy that you forget to spend time with God. Again this is another reason I think that a quiet time in the morning is the best solution. Spend your relaxed time with God first thing, then busy your day. Don't stop until you drop. Then do it all over again 6 days a week. Rest completely 1 day. It works!

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