Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Proverbs 13 - Truth of Today

13:23 A poor person’s farm may produce much food, but injustice sweeps it all away.

Who will stand up for us in this day? This very thing is happening all around us. Corporate America, financial greed, and our government have stripped most of us of everything we have worked for. The current financial problems with this country stem from greed in the marketplace. Banks, brokers, financiers, mortgage companies, and our government have all been a part of this raping of America. And what do they do? After robbing us blind, they rob us again through financial bailout of these industries who have stolen from the people. It will not stand and it will not prevail. Everything that is being done to prop up the economy will fail. God will see to this. Another sign of the times that the end is coming soon

Larry Norman - "The Great American Novel"

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