Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Proverbs 28 - The Writing on the Wall?

28:2 When there is moral rot within a nation, its government topples easily. But wise and knowledgeable leaders bring stability.

Stability. What is that? I would not say we have had stability in this country since the industrial revolution, definitely not since separation of church and state was used to ban prayer, McCollum vs. Board of Education which essentially removed the 10 commandments and slowly but surely any mention of God in public schools. Throw Roe v. Wade on top of that and the plethora of bad government rulings that have attempted to remove God from public life over the last century and you will understand why we are in the moral morass we are today. The results: the divorce rate, teen pregnancy rate, and sexual immorality are as prevalent among Christians as non-Christians. We now have the makings of a nation poised for revolution and reform. On top of all that Christians are seen as judgemental, intolerant, hypocritical rule makers. That needs to change if we are to have any chance at turning this country around. Now is the time for us to take this country back. To bring us back to our manifest destiny which is to spread the good news of Jesus Christ and bring glory to God. We cannot afford to go into hiding anymore.

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