Thursday, January 29, 2009

Proverbs 29 -

29:5 A flattering neighbor is up to no good; he's probably planning to take advantage of you

Have you ever had a so-called friend or neighbor take advantage of you? Have you ever been betrayed by a friend? I had one several years ago that I thought was a true and dear friend. We had both been through the grinder together. Unfaithful spouses, deceived by the ones we loved, and basically treated like doormats. We were able to build a relationship based on the commonality of like suffering. In a way we both helped each other through our trauma. I placed a lot of faith and trust in this person only to be betrayed by them in the end. I have not spoken to them in over 4 years and probably never will again. I guess you could say that in some ways we took advantage of each other but there is a difference. I do not understand how friends can betray other friends. I can't even understand how anyone can betray another. I guess at least that is not in me. I have enough other faults to make up for it. I do however miss that friendship.

Michael W. Smith "Friends are Friends Forever"

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