Monday, January 5, 2009

Proverbs 6 - Not unaffected

6:27 Can a man scoop fire into his lap without his clothes being burned? 28 Can a man walk on hot coals without his feet being scorched?

Though this scripture is in the context about what will happen to you if you commit adultery, it also says a lot about those that have had adultery committed against them. Anytime there some one steps outside the confines of God's intention for marriage no one is left unaffected. Not the adulterer, adulteree, the children, the families, society, etc. This has to be the one of the most heinous crimes next to murder and rape. The punishment for adultery was as severe in OT times. Today, there is no legal punishment. In fact, it is not even a good custody point in divorce court. My life has been thrown into upheaval because of 2 adulterous women. One BC, the ather AC. The latter was a wolf in sheep's clothing whom I thought loved the Lord and valued the sanctity of marriage. I can tell you there is no mercy from an scorned spouse over adultery. I am not sure how marriages ever survive it.

12 Stones, "Broken"

To put this in perspective of Christ and His bride makes my heart break for the pain I have caused Him. Every time I put someone else or something else before Him, I have committed adultery against Him. Being a man (therefore the bridegroom), in order to put this into perspective you have to understand how your wife would feel if you cheated on her. I know that He forgives me, but I so want to do what is right all the time. There are so many things that happened this year, and so many more to come, I think this may be a year of decision for me. I don't want to live life the way I have been, I want to be out on the front lines, fighting the war. I am tired or corporate bull and the way things are in this country. I want ot be an agent of change and go out swinging.

1 comment:

Andy Valadez said...

Let it rock! I loved it "Go out swinging!" Slay the giant!

Semper Fi!

Andy Valadez